Wedding with the dog in total black

girly wedding collar total black

Black is particular, for some is a non-color, for others it represents power, mystery and charm. It is the favorite choice of fashion addicted because you can combine with everything and it is precisely for this reason that it is one of the privileged colors for clothes. It allows you to be flawless from morning to night but, wearing black, requires a certain skill and some precautions to avoid becoming banal.

Total black represents an even more extreme choice and, like all those of this kind, leads to conflicting results. From the perfect look, elegant, flawless pleasant ... to disaster.
Like everyone, I have always loved this color, for its refined elegance and the ability to match any type of event.
Certainly could not miss, in my proposal for your weddings with the dog, but, as a total black lover, I tried not to make this choice trivial. How?

Playing with different fabrics and materials

For example, in this dog collar, I used matte black finishes and Chantilly lace to give the roses a touch of dynamism and romance.

Detail of rose and collar lace

Or, in this tuxedo harness, I've chosen a bow tie with diamonds to make it more glamorous.

Sparkling black bowtie

Breaking up with accessories

Thanks to the bouttoniere, I introduced an element capable of contrasting the dominant black in the rest of the outfit.

Black tuxedo with bouttoniere

Lightning with gold or silver

In this wedding collar I have embroidered the puppy's name in gold to make it personal and precious at the same time.

Embroidered black collar

But above all the most important thing is paying attention to the proportions. Black does not necessarily mean suitable for everyone and able to enhance any shape.

West Highland White Terrier with Black Tuxedo Harness

This is why my accesories are all tailor-made, to enhance the physicality and morphology of your dogs and harmonize their lines.

About the Author

Chiara Buosi

Chiara Buosi

In continuous search for elegance, for two and four legs. I design and realize accessories for our four-legged friends (currently only in the canine version) to give them a touch of style while respecting their dignity.

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