Joe & Bixby

Joe & Bixby

Joseph contacted me about a year ago for a tuxedo harness. He's a guy from Colorado and has the clean face of those who grew up outdoors in the state of the Rocky Mountains. Usually it is the future brides to write to me, but he was, since the first messages, determined and sure about what he wanted. As an old gentleman, after making the marriage proposal to his girlfriend, he immediately thought about how to make the event perfect. There was only one answer: to bring Bixby.

Who is Bixby?

It is the adorable corgi of his future wife!
Bixby is therefore not just any "guest" but a protagonist (and what a protagonist!) to the ceremony.

For this reason Joe opted for a tuxedo harness like his, so that, the two future "men" of the house, had the same look!

The result went beyond the most optimistic forecasts. The intense blue of the Colorado sky was thus reflected in the "jade green" bow ties and in the bridesmaids' clothes, acting as a thread for this splendid event.
Only the presence of all family members can make the marriage complete, without exceptions!

I'd like to thank Joe and Solar Photographers for allowing me to use the photos of the event.

About the Author

Chiara Buosi

Chiara Buosi

In continuous search for elegance, for two and four legs. I design and realize accessories for our four-legged friends (currently only in the canine version) to give them a touch of style while respecting their dignity.

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