Ten rules for bringing your dog to the wedding

Ten rules for bringing your dog to the wedding

Pets play an important role in many people's lives. Precisely for this reason, on the day of the wedding, it is not possible to renounce them. The party is not complete if someone is excluded. In fact, more and more couples are choosing to share their wedding day with their four-legged friend.

If you decide to take your dog to the wedding, it is good to follow some small rules to make it a party for everyone.

  • Make sure your puppy is accepted, ask the priest and location if you can bring the dog.

  • Evaluate the character and maturity of your dog, they are not necessarily prepared for this type of event.

  • Dress it elegantly but without exaggerating, there is a dress code for fur friends too. Try to choose products that are comfortable and usual for him/her (if he/she is used to the collar, don't use the harness that day). Choose only products that respect their dignity: it can be elegant, in style with the marriage by choosing the right accessories.

  • Give him a reference figure.

  • Make sure it has always fresh water available.

  • Avoid giving him food from the buffet.

  • Provide a reception area where you can play freely and rest away from the music and confusion.

  • Careful attention not to pee on the objects or walls of the location, remember to always collect your dog's needs. Remember that even the bag holder can be elegant and matched to your puppy's accessories.

  • Let the guests pamper him/her, but don't overdo it.

  • No other dogs, your puppy must be the special guest.

  • It's your special day ... enjoy it!

About the Author

Chiara Buosi

Chiara Buosi

In continuous search for elegance, for two and four legs. I design and realize accessories for our four-legged friends (currently only in the canine version) to give them a touch of style while respecting their dignity.

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